New Features:
- Can now apply transformations to select starting pyrrole and CW / CCW direction by Inverting the displacement diagram in Y and X Axis and shifting the starting pyrrole.
- Selecting Atoms in either 3D View or deflection diagram will now highlight which atom is selected in a pink color.
- flipped saddling mode to match J.A. shelnutts definition of saddling (-> signs are flipped in simulations, compared with earlier versions)
- "Invert" ist now called "InvertY" to clarify. The simulation now updates on Inversion.
- Addded InvertX function
- Added Shift Button which basically rotates the ring if applicable (Cycle not Corrole or Corrphycene)
Full Changelog: https://github.com/JensKrumsieck/PorphyStruct/compare/v2.0.0...v.2.0.1