Download and Installation


Getting Started with PorphyStruct

PorphyStruct currently is available for Windows (11 & 10, 7 seems to work, too) only, although there will be a solution in the future (e.g. a webversion). PorphyStruct uses .NET which is packed into the Executable, so there is no need to install any dependecies.


PorphyStruct can be downloaded from GitHub by visiting the Releases Page, scroll down to "Assets" and Download the file named "PorphyStruct.exe":

PorphyStruct Releases

The Program is a portable Executable which means there is no installer. All that is necessary is to execute PorphyStruct.exe. This ensures you can use PorphyStruct even without to rights to install any software e.g. on a university computer or at work. PorphyStruct will write a Settings File (settings.json) on first launch, which will be located at C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\PorphyStruct. The (optional) automatic updater also uses this location for downloads if activated.

How to cite

If you use PorphyStruct in a scientific publication, please cite the following paper:

J. Krumsieck, M. Bröring, Chem. Eur J.202127, 11580-11588, DOI: 10.1002/chem.202101243.

Used Packages

PorphyStruct uses a number of Open Source packages which are acknowledged here: