


Axis Format

The default format of the axis label. {0} being quantity {1} being unit (default: {0} / {1})

Axis Thickness

The Thickness of the axis and ticklines is determined by this value (default: 4 px)

Y Axis Label Rotation

Rotation of Y Axis Label (default: -90 °) (Image shows result when padding is not adjusted)

Y Axis Label Position

Y Position of the axis label, 1 being top, 0 being bottom (default: 0.5 = middle)

Y Axis Label Padding

Additional Distance between Axis Label and axis (default: 0) (Image shows result with Rotation and Padding 30)

Show X Axis

Toggles the visibility of the X Axis (default: off)

Show Zero

Shows a gray line for y = 0 (default: on)


Marker Size

Marker size adjusts the size of atoms in the displacement diagram. Image shows size set to 18

Use Single Marker Color

Uses the same color for atoms as for bonds. Useful when doing comparisons of multiple structures. (default: off)

Use Atom Radius as Marker Size

Sizes atoms in displacement diagrams based on their atomic radii. The orange one is phosphorous for example

Marker Border Thickness & Marker Border Color

Adds a border around the atom markers in the displacement diagram in the given color.

Bond Thickness

Thickness of the bond line in the displacement diagram. Image shows value set to 10.

Plot Area

Plot Area Border Thickness

Adds a border around the whole displacement diagram when set to anything other than 0. Image shows value set to 2


Adds a Padding around the plot (default: 8) Image shows value set to 20 px.


Font Family

The Font used in the displacement diagram. (default: Arial). Image shows value set to Times New Roman

Font Size

Gives the font size used in px. (default: 14). We often use 22, 30+ is recommended for smaller images

Font Weight

The weight of the font used in the displacement diagram. 500 is normal, 900 is black. The Image shows a font size of 80 with a weight of 900.